Mom’s May Happiness
For my May blog, I wanted to discuss the topic of Happiness. Not to define happiness because it, of course, means different things to different people. Countless articles, songs and poetry have been written on this topic ranging from the existence of Happiness DNA to exactly how to live to be happy.
Today, I would like to explore how to control one’s emotions by choosing your state of mind. Parents have to do this each and everyday of their lives at work, at school, at social gatherings and in multiple life learning experiences. Balancing emotions while rushing through one’s day in a highly technological society and decreasing drama when interacting with all individuals and in all situations one routinely face is every mother’s challenge. Nothing prepares parents for parenthood but parenthood itself.
So…when the idea of developing one, big happy family becomes stressful, challenging and highly emotional, we have to remember to reset and rebalance ourselves.
For the month of May I wish to remind all Moms the of the need for rebalancing. So when the Mom-meter approaches red, choose something from the list below to be reminded what a wonderful privilege it is being a Mom!
Happy Mother’s day!
~ Marsha